Sunday, August 26, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

It has been a while since my last post and so much has happened since then! I have been helping loved ones, collecting donations for our local homeless, preparing the flower beds and vegetable garden for fall, and chasing Luna around! Life sure does change once your child becomes mobile! We have been taking little breaks from everything we have been working on to enjoy our new garden. It is so nice to have such a beautiful place to sit and enjoy our wonderful country views. Our Salvia and Russian Sage has been attracting so many tiny purple butterflies! You don't notice them until you walk by and cause them all to flutter around. I love the look on Luna's face when she notices them!

The plants that were added to the garden have rooted well and seem to be happy in their new home. Now I can watch it grow! We had some extra seeds and bulbs so I decided to create another small bed. We will have to wait until spring to enjoy it! Until then I am going to enjoy the taste of fall weather, perhaps even begin decorating for the upcoming season!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Free Cycle Find

In my previous post you might have noticed the chair to the right of the garden. I love to re-purpose things and could not resist this fantastic (FREE) find!I found this chair on If you have not heard of this site, check it out now! It is a place for people to list items they are seeking as well as items they are trying to get rid of. Type in your closest city and see what you can find!

When I placed it in our garden it didn't stand out enough, so I decided to paint it white. I used a paint that was a primer/ paint mix to get the best coverage possible with one step.

I really liked the color of the seat so covered it while I was painting. It was broken (which is why it was free) and my flower pot fits in there perfectly!

I love how it really stands out against the brick now! Another project complete, many more to go!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bountiful Gifts

We have been busy spending time with our friends and family. Luna’s Grandma and Grandpa even came into town for a visit! Not only did they come to visit, they brought a truckload of plants from the Outer Banks, NC! I have planted a good amount in the front bed and have quite a few plants, bulbs and seeds left to work with. It is filling in very nicely and I will be picking up the final load of plants this week (For now!). I have many great plants that need a home, so therefore believe I will be creating another bed VERY soon! Now back to planting and enjoying our gorgeous fall like weather today!   

Plants added this weekend include: 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


 When I go into the garden with a spade, and dig a bed, I feel such an exhilaration and health that I discover that I have been defrauding myself all this time in letting others do for me what I should have done with my own hands.   

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, August 6, 2012

Let There Be Mulch!

We have made so much progress this past weekend. I planted all of the plants I collected in their new homes while Chad cut the boards for the border and repaired our birdbath. (This job deserves its own post!)  Today I picked up a load of mulch and was able to unload it into two of our flower beds! I was hoping to get mulch for free but ended up paying $25 for a scoop. Before you get mulch, check with your counties dump to see if any is available free of charge. You may have to load it yourself but hey, it’s FREE! I know in our area Henrico County has two locations that offer mulch. Check before you buy!!  While mulching, I left some areas open because I will be going to pick up our final load of plants this week. I love plant swaps!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cultivating Beauty

I have collected so many beautiful plants for our garden! I can’t thank those who have helped enough, especially my mother for keeping Luna company while I worked.  I did not fill all of our space so that we are able to add to it in the Spring. Until then, we still have a ton to do!

* The Camellia is in the orange oval. This will eventually reach 5-7' 
* The Gardenia is in the blue circle. This will eventually reach 3-4'

To Do:

 - Place the Border Boards
- Mulch
- Patio Pavers

Since our garden is mostly shaded throughout the day, I have had to search for shade tolerant plants. The plants in these areas include:
* There are also a few mystery plants. Once I figure it out I will share!

0802121947b.jpgThe front section of our garden gets a fair amount of sunlight and the plants in these areas include:

Here is my wish list to refer to in the Spring!
So far the only purchase I have made is the wood that will keep our garden from pouring out onto the sidewalk. That purchase was about $14. We are doing well! I have also made some fantastic finds and am so excited to upcycle them to fit into our garden! Pictures will be posted as soon as I get to those projects. Now, off to dig up a few more buckets of Iris!        

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Garden Inspiration

I have to admit that I have an addiction to Pinterest! (I am sure that I am not the only one!!) I can spend hours searching through posts and am always amazed at what I find. While browsing through the other night, I came across several inspiring posts and had to share. I can't wait to find the time to bring a new twist to some of these fantastic ideas! Let me know if you need an invite!

upcycled garden containers

Garden Design Small Spaces

Garden art

Pinned Image

Fairy garden inspiration

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Helping Our Homeless

Hello! I have contacted a few organizations to find out which items are most needed in our area. I combined them into the list below and am hoping to collect whatever possible to help those in need. I would appreciate any help you are able and willing to give. Keep in mind that even the smallest donation can make a great difference! Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day! You can contact me at 

Items needed:
  • Gloves/ Mittens
  • Scarves / *Yarn to make scarves
  • Hats
  • New Socks
  • Clothes, Used or New (Any condition appreciated!)
  • Coats
  • Personal Hygiene Items - Deodorant, Hair Brush, Comb, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, etc.
  • Backpacks/ Durable Bags
  • Non Perishable Snacks – Crackers, Trail Mix, etc.
  • Gift cards to Subway or McDonald's